
2:41 PM

Even though it is not winter yet, today's weather reflects much of the season.

After church, I went to visit my late uncle at Fairhaven Cemetery, as I always do. However, something made today's visit different than any other Sundays. As I stepped out of the car, nobody was there except for a dapper old man buried in his shades. He was standing by one of the graves without any company other than his walking frame. He just stood there, all alone, looking sadly at the grave. As I walked past him, I noticed the name engraved on the tombstone. It says "Mary." From what I guessed, the person buried underneath that soil must be his wife. Even until I left the cemetery, he was still standing there by his partner's side. Every once in a while, I stole a glimpse at the old man from a distance without saying a word. I could not hear him over the sound of the gushing wind, but through his facial expression, it was easily perceived that he was sobbing. This sight touched my heart deeply. Today, a very cold and windy day, I witnessed an old man standing faithfully by his lover's side.

As I made my way home, something became clear to me; time is precious. Every minute spent with loved ones count. One of the part of being human is that we can never know how much time we have left. Carpe Diem. We have to make the most of each day. Time will continue to pass, but as long as we spend it right, we should not have any regrets. Be in the company of the ones you love, say "I love you" over and over again, love like there is no tomorrow. Time can never be bought, so we have to spend them considerately.

The passing of time is inevitable.

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