Bored. Bosan.

5:51 AM

I think it is possible for a person to be bored to death.
I think I'm about to die right now.

let's see
what do you want to know?
I'm pretending to be busy with my computer right now to avoid an extremely awkward conversation, so I have to keep writing.

what do you want to know?
my relationship with my boyfriend?
things are going fine, other than him him being in Palembang, which I'm not really sure where it is, but I am certain it is very far away from where I am right now. And also the fact that I'm leaving him to go to the United States for my college, and probably never to return once my green card is out. So once I go, I am not sure when I will see him again which is kind of messed up. But we're still gonna try, tho. We're not gonna give up that easily. he's not the first guy for me, but I'm pretty sure he's my last. So let's just try and see what comes of our so called 'long distance relationship'. I'm a strong believer in destiny. I strongly believe that if he's the one for me, if he's the one God has chosen for me, then eventually, no matter how rocky the road may get, we will be together. But if it is the other way around, then it only means one thing, there's a person out there for each of us who is more fit for us than each other. 

okay enough about my love life, now's the time for my best friends.

First of all, I'd like to inform you that I have an awful lot of best friends.
Let's sort it out by groups:
1. I have my best friends since high school, we don't really have a name for it but it's always been the three of us; me, Hanna, and Yesaya. Back in high school, we used to go everywhere together. We used to go to this one place we call Aztec, and eat Mr. Botax's famous fettucini (I really don't have a clue how to spell fettucini), and there's this one time we went to Plaza Senayan only to watch 'the clock'. If you live in Jakarta, you'll know what I mean. We spent a lot of time together. We went through high school together. But as the time goes by, we got busy with our college lives, so now we rarely see each other.

2. Guardians of the Galaxy; it consists of Arnold as Quill, me as Gamora, David as Drax, Bob as Rocket, and Timmy as Groot. yes, it's silly, I know. but that's the whole point! We are silly! We go anywhere together and do random stuff. We even name our group randomly which incredibly fits perfectly!

3. The Binyos; It consists of me, Deborah, Clara, and Maudy. we are the Manadonese women, and we're freakin' proud of it! I love my Binyos. Even tho we rarely see each other, we are connected by the bloods running in our veins, bitchaass!

4. Summer Breakers; okay, this is probably the one with the longest list of names, and I don't think I can even remember who's in this group due to many many MANY names listed in this group. let me try. there are Thania, Adhit, Yesaya (again), Gerry, Ari, aaanndd the othersssss. We go places together as well. that's why we are called the Summer Breakers. We always plan stuff together, and just go for it.

Those are the 4 groups of best friends of mine (does this sentence sound a little weird to you? well, let's keep it to ourselves), and please rest assured that they are ALL my best friends, and I love them all EQUALLY. (I feel like a mother)

So maybe the point of all this is me telling you of all the important people in my life, other than blood related, whom I have grown to love unconditionally. they all mean the world to me. I cannot live without one or the other. they are equally important to me and they all make huge impact on my life. without any of them, I wouldn't be the person I am today (which I'm still working on to improve, don't worry Benny). and I need all of them, for me to be able to do so. So leaving them to go to the States, may have been one of the hardest things in my life. I'm gonna miss each and every one of them, and nothing will ever be the same without them.

That should do.
For now.
I'll see you when I see you :)

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